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Sarah Gallagher


"I look forward to receiving the Cyclical Sisters emails every week, I love learning about the new theme each month, it's really helped me to take my yoga practice to the next level, beyond just the physical poses. I save them all in a separate folder so I can come back and do my favourite practices again and again!"


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Meet the teacher behind Cyclical Soul

Hi, I'm Lizzie!


After years of leaving my wellbeing off the list, I began experiencing depression, anxiety & panic attacks.

Yoga changed my life, I became calmer & more patient, released negative patterns & had more compassion for myself.  

I stopped feeling guilty for prioritising myself as I felt my happiness ripple into my relationships & the wider world.

I’m inviting you to be part of a movement. Care for yourself first, feel supported by our community, emerge replenished & radiant. 

It’s time to meet your inner Yogi Goddess. ⁠

Build Self Worth, Savour Life & Connect From A Nourished Place.


Love Lizzie XX

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