Everything you need to get started is right here

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The juggle of balancing work & home is intense, even before the pressure of social media perfection.


Maybe you’ve experienced:

  • Giving your time & energy to everyone but yourself & feeling resentful
  • Being stuck in a cycle of overwhelm, irritability & guilt
  • Life feeling like a never ending list of to do's that passing you by
  • Not making time for what brings you joy & feeling like you've lost your identity


If any of these ring true, you’re not alone & there is an alternative!

With These Practices You'll Have . . .


Fire Fighting tools to cope with stress & anxiety in the moment, when theÂ đŸ’© hits the fan

Practices to make you more resilient to stress

Journal Prompts to create awareness of limiting beliefs and subconscious patterns holding you back


Begin caring for your wellbeing so you can build your self worth, savour life & connect from a nourished place!


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  • Ease From Anxiety Breathwork - 12 Mins
  • Miracle Morning Meditation - 10 Mins 
  • Bedtime Deep Sleep Meditation - 20 Mins
  • Uncover Limiting Beliefs Journal Prompts

Meet the teacher behind Cyclical Soul

Hi, I'm Lizzie!


After years of leaving my wellbeing off the list, I began experiencing depression, anxiety & panic attacks.

Yoga changed my life, I became calmer & more patient, released negative patterns & had more compassion for myself.  

I stopped feeling guilty for prioritising myself as I felt my happiness ripple into my relationships & the wider world.

I’m inviting you to be part of a movement. Care for yourself first, feel supported by our community, emerge replenished & radiant. 

It’s time to meet your inner Yogi Goddess. ⁠

Build Self Worth, Savour Life & Connect From A Nourished Place.


Love Lizzie XX

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