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Find wonder, magic & open your mind to Childlike Bliss.

Jun 30, 2024

I’m sure you’ve all seen that meme on social media about being a functional adult every day being a little excessive, I couldn’t agree more. Let’s be honest bills, recorder lessons, car services, dental appointments, it can be dull.


When we add in the fact that we seem as a generation to be busier than ever and are constantly bombarded with images & advertising leaving us unhappy with our lot, it’s unsurprising that many of us in our mid 40’s are rushing to buy the nearest sportscar or moving in with Cindy from accounts only to discover you’ve got nothing in common as you’ve never been on tiktok. Clichés aside it’s not just men who have mid-life crises, women are just as susceptible, we just tend to suffer in silence a bit more that’s all.


Obviously we can’t always sack off the tax return, jump in a campervan and head to the beach, GOD that would be great though! But we can take inspiration from the small humans we may come into contact with who really know how to live. We can incorporate their innocence, their ability to play, to wonder, to believe in endless possibilities, to have a gloriously open mind, to accept people & experiences as they find them without judgement.


I think the sweet spot of life might be melding the wisdom we’ve gleaned from our life experience so far (& trying to sack off the cynicism) whilst maintaining a glimmer of the playfulness, wonder & openness of our childhood.


How do we go about such a thing?


WONDER - I was just having a conversation this morning with a friend on the school run about how excited her little girl was about her new frilly socks and it got me thinking. Children live in the moment, notice the details and see the beauty in the mundane, a sprinkler in the garden becomes a fountain of dreams, a cardboard box is an owl house, the list goes on.


A regular gratitude practice can really help with this because all of a sudden when we raise our vibration to the emotion of gratitude we feel joyful, because we appreciate the little things so much more. The fridge full of food, the car we drive, the house we live in, our safety, our health, our relationships become a source of wonder. We connect to that same sense of awe that we had as children, we enrich our lives.


In CYS this month we have a beautifully simple flow which will enable you to truly pair your breath with your movement and to connect with the everyday beauty of your life and your yoga practice.


PLAY - We know that play in adulthood can help to relieve stress, improve brain function, boost creativity, increase and improve connections with others, increase energy, and heal emotional wounds. Some pretty compelling arguments to allow yourself time to fit this into your life! When did you last do something you consider playful and how did it make you feel? How can you incorporate more play into your life?


We have a beautifully playful yoga practice in the CYS this month which uses the visualisation of colour & explore some free, creative movement I’m certain you will love!


OPEN MINDEDNESS – I can’t tard us all with the same brush here but as we got older, we tend to become a little more closed minded and gravitate towards people and experiences that are within our comfort zone. The more we do this, the more we become encased in our own echo chamber and our life becomes a little restricted. Children however tend to be more open to trying new things and experiencing the full technicolour of life.


We may try new things or be interact with new people and find they aren’t for us, that’s ok, but the key is to be open to them. This way we might just surprise ourselves and find our lives are that much more interesting and enjoyable as a result.


You may know older people who have a ‘young’ outlook, these people seem to enjoy their lives more, that is what we are aiming for here.


Consider a way you can step outside your echo chamber, like reading a book from a different viewpoint or having a conversation with someone who thinks differently. How might this broaden your understanding and enrich your life? Write down your thoughts and a commitment to approach new ideas with curiosity and openness.


In CYS this month we have a flow & EFT practice dedicated to opening your mind & releasing judgement to experience your life in all it’s glorious richness!


Consider this your invitation to awaken your inner child, we have whole month of practices inside CYS dedicated to just this. I would love you to join us!

So if you’re curious why not sign up for a FREE 14 day trial and have a peek inside.

Sending so much love to you,


Lizzie X




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