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Understanding & Living In Harmony With Your Menstrual Cycle

Jun 26, 2023

If your experience is anything like mine your sex education was probably fairly lack lustre, leaving you with more questions that answers. I sometimes wonder had mine been more relevant if it could have saved me from decades of suffering . . . But there’s no point looking back, so let’s look forward & begin to understand what is happening in our bodies & how we can live in harmony with our cyclical nature, knowledge is power!

The menstrual cycle is split up into 4 stages . . .


  1. Menstruation
  2. Pre Ovulation
  3. Ovulation
  4. Pre Menstruum


Menstruation & pre ovulation make up the follicular phase of the cycle, during the follicular phase your ovaries release oestrogen which cause your uterine lining (endometrium) to thicken & grow. Then the main event takes place you release an egg at ovulation. The pre menstruum stage makes up the luteal phase (See Image 2) In the luteal phase your ovaries produce progesterone which causes the uterine lining to mature, getting ready for a fertilised egg to implant. If you aren’t pregnant progesterone levels decline meaning your uterine lining breaks down & your period & menstrual cycle begins again. A normal cycle can last anywhere between 21 - 35 days & is likely to vary in length each month. A cycle that varies by more than 8 days from cycle to cycle would be considered irregular.

As you've probably realised here at Cyclical Soul I am all about cyclical living, the lunar, menstrual, breath & life cycle encompass four distinct energies, which correspond with our seasons. You can harness these energies as a guide to bring out the gifts of each phase and be aware of and manage their challenges!

As a summary here is how all the energies relate to each other . . . 

Image 1 - Cyclical Energies




Menstruation corresponds with winter, the dark moon and the crone archetype. It is the beginning of the menstrual cycle when you are bleeding, with the first day of your bleed (not spotting) being day 1, approximately days 1 - 7 (the average period length is 3-7 days)

Image 2 - The Menstrual Cycle


You can see from image 2 that during this time your hormones are at their lowest. Physically prostaglandins cause your uterus to contract & shed its lining = your period. You may feel exhausted, weaker and in pain, you may also experience period poops (diarroheoa or urgent need to go) this is all normal!

Emotionally you may feel vulnerable, tearful, anxious, disconnected and a need to be alone. Conversely you may also feel a sense of bliss as oxytocin and endorphins are released by your body to help manage pain and arousal as blood flow is increased to your womb and genitals.

Embrace menstruation by . . .

  • Resting! You will come back stronger, more productive and creative. Try do something that is just for you.
  • Listening to your intuition, sit quietly and tune in to what comes up, you'll find insights to your problems that will surprise you! Vision for the month ahead and ask yourself what you would like to experience in the coming cycle.
  • Movement - now is a great time for more restorative practices like yin yoga or yoga nidra. If you do feel energised and want to workout go for it. Be guided by your body.
  • Nutrition - dark green leafy veg, nuts, seeds, banana and dark chocolate will all help increase your magnesium and iron levels. While avocados, wild fish, cod liver oil, hemp seeds will help to increase your essential fatty acids. Keep blood sugar balanced as oestrogen isn't a fan or excess blood sugar!

Challenges . . . 

  • Pressing on and ignoring the need to rest because you feel the need to carry on as normal (you will feel more depleted across the rest of the cycle)
  • Guilt - the world will not cease to turn if you take a little time to look after yourself, you will come back stronger!

Pre Ovulation

Pre - Ovulation corresponds with spring, the waxing moon and the maiden archetype. This is the phase of the menstrual cycle when you have finished bleeding, and before ovulation from approximately days 6 - 11.

During this time your hormones are rising. Physically your follicles are ripening and your body is preparing for ovulation, your energy, strength and motivation are rising too. Emotionally you may feel playful, hopeful & optimistic as oestrogen the happy hormone levels increase. Your focus will likely turn from inwards to outwards and you will feel more sociable and outgoing. 

Embrace pre ovulation by . . .

  • Get creative and playful - why not try that class you've always wanted to or do something out of the ordinary that excites you?
  • Set intentions & begin to take action - what did you want to experience this cycle? Now is the time to get clear on your intentions and action steps to start making that vision a reality.
  • Movement - your body can recover better during this phase so it is a great time to build lean muscle, and go for endurance as your pain tolerance is higher.
  • Nutrition - Focus on a good balanced diet, with balanced blood sugar - nourishing your body so it can release an egg. This is important even if you don't want to get pregnant as if you don't release an egg adequate progesterone will not be produced which can cause problems in your health.

Challenges . . .

False start - It can be tempting to come out all guns blazing, go steady as you can still be a little vulnerable at the beginning of spring! Pressure - Try not to pile of the pressure to catch up immediately if you let things slide a little during your period.


Ovulation corresponds with summer, the full moon and the mother archetype. It is the middle of the menstrual cycle when you release an egg, from approximately days 12 - 19 it is fleeting (just like the summer here in the UK)

During this time levels of oestrogen, testosterone, LH and FSH are at their highest. You may be producing A LOT of fertile egg white mucus. GO, GO, GO! With oestrogen and testosterone levels at their highest physically you may feel energised, horny and strong! Emotionally you likely feel more sociable, confident, resilient and loving.

Conversely you may also feel very scattered and a bit overwrought! Oestrogen has one objective to get you laid and this can make it difficult to focus on one thing as you may find it hard to sit still!

Embrace ovulation by . . .

  • Get sh**t done! If that's what you want or make time to have fun! Take the actions you really need to reach those spring intentions! Do the things that scare you, that scary work presentation or first date, your confidence is at its peak!
  • Movement - now is a great time to go for PB's, do weights or a HIT workout.
  • Nutrition - focus on foods that fuel your hormones and metabolise oestrogen into a useable form and help you excrete it. Unmetabolised oestrogen can cause problems such as cancers and PMS symptoms. Foods like cruciferous vegetables, green leafy veg, bitter lettuces, sesame and flaxseeds, fermented foods, salmon, blueberries, raspberries, apples, green and dandelion teas, turmeric, cumin, saffron and dill.

Challenges . . .

  • Being a 'YES' woman - you feel unstoppable so you say yes to every invitation going only to leave you regretting it and desperate to cancel when you're attending that party in your inner winter. Look ahead to see where you'll be when the invitation falls and politely decline if you need to!
  • Losing focus - oestrogen can leave us feeling restless and unable to concentrate. Try some active movement followed by a grounding practice to workout excess energy and calm your nervous system.

Pre Menstruum

Pre Menstruum corresponds with autumn, the waning moon and the wild woman archetype. It is the most poorly regarded time in the cycle from the perspective of western culture. It runs from approximately days 20 - 28.

Your uterine lining is thickening and preparing for a possible pregnancy. Progesterone is dominant and oestrogen and testosterone are declining. Physically at this time you are more sensitive to stress and your energy levels are starting to decline. Emotionally you may feel less sociable, more grounded, calm and focused, you may also have an attack from your inner critic and feel rage and frustration! Progesterone is also a natural calming hormone so you may feel more chilled and a need to be at home and cozy up!

Embrace pre menstruum by . . .

  • Letting go - what is holding you back from your dreams? Can you release what stands in your way?
  • Speaking your truth - the frustrations you feel carry a message and an inner truth, ignore them at your peril, explain with compassion what's bothering you.
  • Focusing - harness your ability to focus and get things done as your focus turns more inward.
  • Movement - Any increase in cortisol (stress hormone) threatens the production of progesterone so shift your workouts to more nurturing activities like yoga, hiking or long walks/jogging.
  • Nutrition - A savoury breakfast to stabilise your blood sugar will do wonders to help prevent the dreaded PMS, include healthy fats like avocado and oily fish and protein like eggs, quality wholemeal fibre such as brown rice to prevent hunger and reaching for the biscuit tin! Your body needs more glucose to make progesterone and naturally makes you more insulin resistant during this phase so you consume foods like potatoes, squashes, lentils, citrus fruits, tropical fruits, berries, pumpkin seeds, wild and brown rice and quinoa.

Challenges . . 

  • Vulnerability - our inner critic really goes wild now, work on establishing a positive mindset to boost your self worth.
  • Speaking before thinking - rein in the rage, decode it's message and try to communicate it compassionately!

And so it begins again! When you learn to live in harmony with your cyclical nature & stop swimming upstream against your cycle, your life will come into an infinitely easier flow. This took my time & patience to integrate into my life & now it is something I do intuitively without thinking. If you would love some guidance, I am here to help! At Cyclical Soul I have lots of beautiful options to help you live in harmony with your cyclical nature, check out Cyclical Yogi Studio & Cyclical Coaching!

If you have any questions or would love to share your experience please reach out & contact me!

Love Lizzie X

P.s. If you'd love to hear when the latest blogs launch & get beautiful nuggets of cyclical wisdom follow me @cyclical.soul

Cyclical Yogi Studio


An online membership that is a sanctuary of transformation, aligning the magic of yoga, meditation, breathwork and journalling with the rhythm of your unique menstrual cycle.

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