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Root To Rise: A 5-Step Process to Grow into a Happier, Calmer, and More Fulfilled Version of Yourself Sep 04, 2024


A leopard can’t change their spots right? WRONG!


Neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections, explains why humans can change patterns of thoughts and behaviours. This adaptability allows the brain to learn new skills, recover...

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Find wonder, magic & open your mind to Childlike Bliss. Jun 30, 2024

I’m sure you’ve all seen that meme on social media about being a functional adult every day being a little excessive, I couldn’t agree more. Let’s be honest bills, recorder lessons, car services, dental appointments, it can be dull.


When we add in the fact that we...

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Strength In Softness: Celebrating the Divine Feminine Within Jun 03, 2024

This month we are celebrating the divine feminine within. This has been on my mind a lot recently, my 30’s has been a decade of self-discovery and one of those is that my femininity is a source of great joy and inner strength. It’s previously a side of myself  I suppressed, as if...

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Culture Creation – In a world that leaves you disenchanted create your own way of life and honour your unique soul Apr 29, 2024

Welcome to our new theme, Culture Creation! Sadly there are many things that trouble me about the culture I find myself within and it is beyond this blog to describe them all. However I wanted to explore this month some of the ways I am personally creating my own culture and how I’m pushing...

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Finding Calm Amidst Chaos: A Woman's Guide to Yoga's Magic Sutra Apr 01, 2024

Life as a woman in today's fast-paced world often feels overwhelming, spinning plates — work, family, saving the pandas — the list goes on. The Yoga Sutras are ancient threads of wisdom, encouraging us to strive for enlightenment, which sounds great and everything but at this stage of...

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Discovering The Three Doshas: Yoga's User Manual To Personalised Wellness Mar 04, 2024

In ancient yoga tradition, yoga was never meant to be separated from it’s sister science Ayurveda. They are intricately woven together to help guide you towards self discovery, balance and wellness. Ayurveda covers everything from spirituality to the more practical side of wellness such as...

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Flowing with Your Cycle: How to practice yoga during menstruation (your period!) Feb 25, 2024

As a cyclical woman, you do not wake up every day and feel the same. Your hormones ebb and flow and with them so does your mood and your energy. By aligning your yoga practice with your cycle you will begin to recognise and honour your unique needs, fostering a sense of self compassion, joy and...

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Embodying Love: A Journey into Yoga Philosophy and the Power of the Heart   Feb 04, 2024

Love weaves its threads through every aspect of our existence. Beyond the conventional notions of family & romantic love, yoga philosophy invites us to explore the profound dimensions of this emotion. The ancient teachings of yoga show us how love can be a guiding force in our thoughts,...

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Unleashing the Power Within: A 5 Step Guide to Manifesting Your Dream Life Jan 01, 2024

The most beautiful thing about manifesting is not how it may bring physical possessions into your life but it’s ability to help you become the most self-compassionate, empowered and authentic version of you there can possibly be (hint - that person already exists within you!)

Manifesting is...

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Yoga for Period Pain Relief: Embrace the Healing Power - 4 Poses for Menstrual Cramps Dec 08, 2023

Does the arrival of your period fill you with dread? For me these days I feel lucky that the only real thing I have to worry about is remembering to take supplies – no one wants to be caught out wodging (apparently that isn’t a word … it is now) toilet roll in their pants and...

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Understanding Period Pain: What's Normal and When to Seek Help + 10 Lifestyle Changes to Ease Your Pain! Nov 17, 2023

Menstruation is a natural and cyclical process but if you’re experiencing pain every month that is exhausting, excrutiating and leaves you physically and emotionally drained it is not something you should have to endure without help!

While mild to moderate cramping is common, experiencing...

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10 Steps to create and use a vision board to manifest your dream life Oct 18, 2023

As a kid I was always day dreaming, whilst some of the things I hoped for didn't materialise (turns out Sean from FIVE was off the market - sad times) inadvertently I was allowing my subconscious to believe in the prospect of great things for my life a lot of which have come to fruition!



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4 Healing practices to break the cycle of lack of self-care, overwhelm, irritability & guilt. Find More Patience, Presence & Ease.

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