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How the 5 elements are linked to the 7 chakras and how balancing them can help you to emotionally heal and grow. Oct 11, 2023


It's funny but I've always felt most alive when connected to the elements directly. There's something about sitting around a real fire and watching the flames, or walking the clifftops on a stormy day, feeling the raging wind whip my hair and the spray of the stormy sea touch my skin...

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Cyclical Living - The key to a life of purpose, self-compassion & joy Aug 30, 2023

In this blog post I am going to explain what cyclical living is and  help you to work out whether you are living a cyclical life or not . . . and explain how cyclical living can help you to live a more meaningful, compassionate and joyful life.


Are you living a linear or cyclical...

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What Causes PMS & Why Healing Your PMS Matters! Jun 28, 2023



PMS is normalised in our culture but IT ISN'T NORMAL. You don't have to suffer. 


PMS is caused by a hormonal imbalance & can be healed naturally. When your hormones are balanced it is possible to feel calm, focused & relaxed the...

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10 Environmental Stressors That Are Messing With Your Hormones Jun 26, 2023

There is no doubt that we live in a synthetic, chemical laden world & this is having an impact on our general health & menstrual cycles. Xenoestrogens are similar enough in structure to our natural oestrogen that they cause hormonal responses. The more you are exposed to them...

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10 Ways To Sleep Better This Week! Jun 26, 2023

A quick but IMPORTANT read from me today!

Sleep is essential for your hormone health & balance. To put it bluntly if you aren't getting enough good quality sleep your hormones won't be balanced. Ideally you need to aim for 7 - 9 hours per night.

So here are my top 10 steps to improve your...

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Understanding & Living In Harmony With Your Menstrual Cycle Jun 26, 2023

If your experience is anything like mine your sex education was probably fairly lack lustre, leaving you with more questions that answers. I sometimes wonder had mine been more relevant if it could have saved me from decades of suffering . . . But there’s no point looking back, so...

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10 Lifestyle Factors Causing Your PMS Jun 26, 2023

I grew up believing PMS was just something women had to endure, that we were just ‘hormonal’. I felt ashamed of my hormones, I even had the belief that women were somehow inferior to men as a result of having these hormones inflicted on us. Erg, patriarchal conditioning at it’s...

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4 Healing practices to break the cycle of lack of self-care, overwhelm, irritability & guilt. Find More Patience, Presence & Ease.

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